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The way you breathe can create anxiety symptoms
When we breathe in, our bodies use oxygen and create carbon dioxide as a waste product. We breathe out the carbon dioxide. When our...
OCD & Mental Review
Mental review is essentially a form of mental checking. It is the activity of looking at the obsessive thought/feeling/urge/etc and...
Anxiety VS Panic
Anxiety Anxiety is a normal part of life and can be healthy when it’s perceived in a way that stimulates you to reach your goals. Healthy...
Understanding and Managing Anger
At some point in time anger became a dirty word. Instead of acknowledging that something has made us upset and working through it, we’ve...
Socializing and Nerves: How Nervous is Too Nervous?
Is It Normal to Be Nervous in Social Settings? The short answer: Yes! It is actually healthy for you to be a little on edge in social...
Beginner's Mind
I was introduced to the phrase "beginner's mind" in my yoga teacher training years ago, and it was one of the most impactful lessons I...
Working through contamination OCD/health anxiety during COVID-19 Pandemic
Not everyone with contamination OCD/health anxiety may be triggered by this pandemic. OCD has many different flavors. For some people,...
The Difference Between Reperceiving and Avoidance
Typically when we avoid, we attempt to detach from an experience, often distancing to a point of numbness. We avoid in an attempt to...
Depression & Emotional Reasoning: Your Mental Prison
How many times have you been told to “trust your gut” or to “listen to your heart?” People are often advised from a young age to do “what...
What are you feeding yourself?: How to cultivate positive emotions
When we think about having a healthy diet, we often solely reflect on tangible food consumption. We frequently praise ourselves for...
Self Acceptance VS Self Improvement
As a society, we value progress. People like to see the tangible results of their labor and the phrase, “no rest for the weary” is used...
3 Common OCD Distortions and How They Maintain OCD
Black and White Thinking This type of thinking evolves from a desire for certainty. It hinges on the belief that perfection is possible...
Automatic Thoughts: Address What Really Gets You Worked Up
What is an Automatic Thought: An automatic thought (AT) is a cognition you have that is out of your control. We have thousands of...
Believing in Instant Emotional Change + Instant Disappointment
So… you’re tired of being anxious and you’ve decided it’s time for a change. You want things to be different so you want to make BIG...
Anxiety & Meditation
Yes, those who suffer with anxiety may find it more difficult to meditate: Anxiety is perpetuated by one’s desire to escape it. Anxious...
Mindful Kids
If you're asking yourself if your child is too young to practice mindfulness, the answer is, "NO." There are certain milestone scholars...
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